Contracts and Proposals
As part of our ongoing commitment to reinvest in our community and improve public infrastructure, JCSD has developed a Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan. Listed below are the jobs for bid and jobs awarded, which provide information about current contracting opportunities and projects that have been awarded.
Open Contracts (RFP and NIB)
Closed Contracts (RFP and NIB)
JCSD applies fees to offset the public-service cost of new development. An initial upfront deposit of funds is applied to various phases of a project. This “Advance Payment Against Actual Cost” funds various functions such as water and sewer availability, plan check, inspection, and other services required to implement the projects. It is important to note that the deposit may or may not be adequate to complete all project tasking. For example, a project might require more plan-check review because the initial plans and subsequent drafts lack details or did not address prior comments. Some examples of project tasking requiring a deposit include:
- Water and Sewer Availability determination
- Hydraulic Analysis
- Fire Flow Test
- Plan Check
- Water Supply Assessment
- Industrial Waste System Review
- Inspection
Rates, Charges, and Deposits as of July 1, 2024
Water Facility Charges are used by JCSD to pay for infrastructure needed to provide water service to the proposed development. The “Water Facility Charge,” sometimes referred to as a “water connection charge,” is based on the size of the water meter and its corresponding capacity to deliver water flow to the customer. The “Drop-In Charge w/Radio Read” is the cost to provide the water meter with radio-reading capabilities. For a single-family dwelling project (only), the “Meter Installation Charge” is the cost of having the meter installed by JCSD. Otherwise, the developer may choose to install the service line and meter using a District-approved contractor.
Sewer Facility Charges are used by JCSD to pay for related infrastructure to provide sewer service to the proposed development. Charges are based on the development’s number of “Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs). The “Sewer Facility Charge,” sometimes referred to as a “sewer connection charge” is based on the total number of EDUs calculated for the development.
Please review the Developer Handbook or contact Development Engineering for more information. Additional information can be found in the Customer Guide Handbook.
Customer Rates Guide September 1, 2024
View the Customer Rates Guide here.
The Development Engineering Services division is part of the Engineering Department and is responsible for the planning, design, review, and construction inspection of water and sewer facilities; and the facilitation of streetlights for developer-funded projects. Development Engineering Services tracks all developer-funded project milestones through all phases of the project to maintain quality control.
The Standards Manual provides a detailed description of the procedures and policies to be followed during any developer-funded project. JCSD applies fees to offset the public-service cost of a new development. The “Advance Payment against Actual Cost” funds various functions such as plan check, inspection, and other services required to implement the project.
Before, During and After Construction
JCSD Engineering staff helps ensure that construction projects, for water and sewer services, meet the standards and specifications within JCSD’s Standards Manual. Below are required steps to get started:
Availability Letters – Developers are required to obtain a Water/Sewer Availability letter for all projects that involve water and/or sewer services. To obtain a Water/Sewer Availability letter, please submit a letter to JCSD requesting availability within the project, describing the type of project, a map showing the property requiring water and/or sewer service, and a $2,800.00 deposit for either Parcel Maps or Tract Maps. Once the request is received, the development consultants will provide feedback, if needed, and staff will submit the request for approval to the Board of Directors. Please click here to view a sample availability letter.
Pre-Construction Meetings and Inspections – Pre-construction meetings are mandatory and conducted with JCSD’s inspector and supervisor, or their representatives, tract or job superintendent, and a City of Jurupa Valley or City of Eastvale representative and are conducted after items on the Pre-Job Checklist have been completed by a JCSD representative. For complete procedures for Pre-Construction Meetings, Video Inspections, Pre-Occupancy Inspections, Final Inspections for Tracts, Individual, Plot Plan and District Projects, please review the Procedures for Pre-Construction Meetings .
If you have any questions, please call our Development Engineering Services staff at (951) 685-7434 during our regular business hours:
Nicole Smith – Extension 140 nsmith@jcsd.us
Joseph Villa – Extension 141 jvilla@jcsd.us
Development Engineering Services PDF Forms
- Interceptor Site Calculator
- Contractor’s Data Sheet
- Developers Handbook & Procedures Manual – Revised August 2020
- Non-Residential Wastewater Questionnaire Form
- Improvement Around Meter Boxes
- Rates/Charges/Deposits as of January 1, 2024
- Tract Pre-Construction Meeting
- Tract Pre-Occupancy Inspection
- Brine Line Class 1-3 Discharge Permit Application (Necessary Form for Industrial Applications)
Engineering Documents and Reports
Industrial Waste Business Resources
All commercial, industrial, and non-residential development projects are required by JCSD Ordinance, and Federal and State regulations, to undergo a JCSD Industrial Waste review process. This process takes place simultaneously with the plan-check process.
Standards Manual
Section II: General Requirements
Section III: Water System Design Criteria
Section IV: Sewer System Design Criteria
Section V: Basic Specifications
Approved Manufactured Materials
Download the entire Standards Manual (21.4MB)
Download the District’s Title Block in CAD
- Water Improvement Plans
- Sewer Improvement Plans
Developer’s Handbook