Jurupa Community Services District -- Proudly serving Jurupa Valley and Eastvale

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions2024-07-16T17:47:25-07:00
Are all District records public?2024-07-03T14:56:34-07:00

Not all District records are considered public records and may be withheld from public review. For example, an employee’s personnel information is not public record.

Are pool covers required?2024-07-03T12:55:30-07:00

No, but they are recommended to help reduce evaporation.

Can I apply for the turf removal rebate if I have already received a rebate for my front lawn and now I want to replace the turf in my backyard as well?2024-07-02T15:12:49-07:00

No. You may only apply once per address. If you would like to replace the turf in your front yard and backyard, you must apply for the rebate at the same time.

Can I bring extra BBQs to the park?2024-07-03T14:38:00-07:00

BBQ’s are provided at most of the park facilities. JCSD Parks and Recreation Department does not allow additional BBQ’s at the parks.

Can I have bouncers and trains at my party at the park?2024-07-03T14:39:02-07:00

The Parks and Recreation Department does allow regular (non-water) bouncers with proof of insurance. Unfortunately, we do not allow dunk tanks, trains, or petting zoos due to various hazards to the park’s maintenance and participant safety.

Can I have recycled water delivered to my house?2024-05-08T16:09:34-07:00

We like your spirit, but for now, the answer is no. Recycled water operates on a separate system from drinking water. As a result, new pipes need to be installed to deliver the recycled water. Installing new piping to all homes would be expensive. Therefore, it makes more sense for users with the largest irrigation needs, such as parks, golf courses, and greenbelts to receive recycled water.

Can I still wash my car or do I have to go to a carwash?2024-07-03T12:55:49-07:00

You can still wash your car at home as long as you use a hose fitted with a nozzle with an automatic shut-off valve.

Can I submit an application for a position that is not open?2024-07-03T14:35:48-07:00

Applications are only accepted for current job openings. New openings are typically posted on our website on Mondays, as they become open. Please check back periodically.

Can people drink recycled water?2024-05-08T16:07:54-07:00

No, JCSD’s recycled water is not safe for people to drink. “Recycled Water” signs will be posted at all points where recycled water is used.

Do I need a reservation to use a field?2024-07-03T14:39:23-07:00

All organized activity must have a field use permit to utilize the fields.

Do I need a reservation to use a picnic shelter?2024-07-03T14:39:41-07:00

The picnic shelter will not be available if it has been reserved prior to your event. However, if the picnic shelter has not been reserved, it is then available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Do you abate graffiti on private property?2024-07-03T14:34:27-07:00

Yes, JCSD removes graffiti on private property, with the property owner’s approval.

Does recycled water come through the same pipes as drinking water?2024-05-08T16:06:09-07:00

No. The pipes distributing recycled water are a purple color and are a separate system from pipes distributing drinking water. The purple color pipe is nationally recognized as recycled water to avoid potential cross connection to drinking water pipes. Many studies have been conducted on recycled water. To date, no health-related problems have been traced to any of the water recycling projects currently operating in California.

Does recycled water help conserve water?2024-05-08T16:06:25-07:00

Yes. The use of recycled water for irrigation lessens the demand for drinking water, which reduces the amount of water being drawn from the local aquifer. Lessening the effects of drought and ensuring an adequate water supply are extremely important.

Does the District offer discounts on service to customers with low-income, disabilities or to the elderly?2024-07-03T12:40:13-07:00

JCSD has a new Customer Care Program for low-income residential customers. Click HERE to read about it and see if you qualify. Please also visit the Conservation pages for water-saving tips and programs.


The Fiscal Year is from July 1 thru June 30. The budget process begins approximately around January with Special Board Meetings. In most cases, the reading of next year’s budget is read to the public at the first Regular Board Meeting in June and approved by the Board of Directors during the last Regular Board Meeting in June. Please see the current and past JCSD Budgets.

How are my water and sewer bill charges calculated?2024-07-03T12:49:21-07:00

All water and sewer charges are approved by the Board of Directors.These charges are calculated on a monthly basis.

Water – Residents are charged a monthly service charge for the operations and maintenance of the meter and waterlines, as well as a monthly charge on consumption. Water Usage is based on a tiered rate.

Sewer – Residents are charged for the calculation based on:

  1. A Base Charge
  2. Monthly water consumption capped at 8 hundred cubic feet (HCF, equal to 748 gallons)

For more information, please contact Customer Services at (951) 685-7434 or click here for details.

How can I report a street light outage/problem?2024-07-03T14:57:34-07:00

Online: Click HERE
Or call: 1-800-229-6090

How do I apply to serve on the Citizen Advisory Board?2024-07-03T14:40:30-07:00

Residents who reside within parks territory may serve on the 7-member Citizen Advisory Board. Appointments are two-year staggered terms. For more information please contact Parks and Recreation Department at (951) 727-3524.

How do I become a Parks and Recreation volunteer?2024-07-03T14:43:35-07:00

For information on how to become a volunteer, please visit the JCSD Volunteer Program and Applications page.

How do I become a vendor for an upcoming Parks and Recreation event?2024-07-03T14:44:14-07:00

For more information about becoming a vendor, please call the Parks and Recreation Department at (951) 727-3524.

How do I find the current list of available recreation classes?2024-07-03T14:45:20-07:00

Please visit the Class Registration page or contact the JCSD Parks and Recreation Department at (951) 727-3524 or email parks@jcsd.us.

How do I find the landscaping seminar schedule?2024-07-03T12:38:48-07:00

Go to the Educational Seminars to view and register for the current list of educational seminars offered by JCSD or visit our calendar for all JCSD events.

How do I report water waste?2024-07-03T12:57:38-07:00

For JCSD to take action on a water waste report, a photo or video that clearly shows the water waste and the source of the violation must be submitted. For example, providing a photo of water in a street gutter that does not identify which property the waste is coming from would not be sufficient. To submit a report, please do one of the following:

  • Download the E-Citizen mobile app onto your smart phone. Search for “E-Citizen.”
  • iPhone users
  • Android users
  • Submit a water waste report using the online form.
  • E-mail a photo, the description, and exact address where the water waste is occurring to SaveWater@JCSD.us.
  • Call the Conservation Hotline at (951) 727-3521.
How do I request a refund for class fees?2024-07-03T14:45:44-07:00

Please call the Parks and Recreation Department at (951) 727-3524 or email parks@jcsd.us. You will either be refunded for the class fees on your credit card or you can transfer fees for another class. No refunds are given past the second day of scheduled class

How long does it take for graffiti to be removed once I report it?2024-07-03T14:34:50-07:00

It is the goal of JCSD to remove graffiti within 48 hours of the reported vandalism.

How many picnic tables are at each picnic shelter?2024-07-03T15:26:50-07:00
Park Shelter Information
Park Name Shelter Number Number of Tables Number of BBQs Closest to Playground
Providence Ranch Park Shelter #1 4 Tables 2 BBQs X
Shelter #2 4 Tables 2 BBQs
McCune Family Park Shelter #1 4 Tables 2 BBQs
Shelter #2 4 Tables 2 BBQs X
Cedar Creek Park Shelter #1 4 Tables 2 BBQs X
Shelter #2 4 Tables 2 BBQs
Harada Heritage Park Shelter #1 7 Tables 2 BBQs X
Group Shelter 15 Tables 4 BBQs
Deer Creek Park Shelter #1 6 Tables 2 BBQs X
Shelter #2 7 Tables 2 BBQs
Orchard Park Shelter #1 2 Tables 0 BBQ X
Shelter #2 4 Tables 0 BBQ
James C. Huber Park Shelter #1 2 Tables 1 BBQ X
Shelter #2 2 Tables 1 BBQ
Dairyland Park Picnic Area #1 5 Tables 0 BBQ X (to the water feature)
Picnic Area #2 5 Tables 0 BBQ
Riverwalk Park Shelter #1 4 Tables 1 BBQ X
American Heroes Park Shelter #1 4 Tables 2 BBQs X
Shelter #2 2 Tables 1 BBQ
Half Moon Park Shelter #1 4 Tables 2 BBQs X
Mountainview Park Shelter #1 4 Tables 1 BBQ X
Shelter #2 4 Tables 1 BBQ
Eastvale Community Park X X X X
Symphony Park X X X X
How many streetlights are being converted?2024-05-08T05:17:26-07:00

The Agency owns approximately 2,000 streetlights in the Jurupa Valley area, and will be converting all of them to LED technology. Southern California Edison owns and operates streetlights on electrical distribution lines and these lights will not be converted as part of this program.

How much is the background screening?2024-07-03T14:47:49-07:00

Background Screening is $20.00 and is good for one year from the approval date.

I reside outside the JCSD District boundaries; can I still register for a class?2024-07-03T14:52:18-07:00

Yes, however, an additional facility fee is applied for those who reside outside of the JCSD Parks Territory. Those who reside within the JCSD Parks Territory have already paid this fee in the form of taxes.

Is it okay to drain and fill swimming pools?2024-07-03T12:57:55-07:00

JCSD does not have any restrictions for draining or filling swimming pools.

Is recycled water available during a drought?2024-05-08T16:08:12-07:00

Yes. Recycled water is a reliable water supply source even during a drought. Even when there might be restrictions on drinking water, there are no restrictions for recycled water use.

Is recycled water safe for landscaping?2024-05-08T16:05:31-07:00

Yes! Recycled water is permitted to be used for a wide range of applications, including landscape irrigation. As a responsible supplier of recycled water, JCSD will provide only highly treated, filtered, and disinfected water that meets all federal, state, and local regulations for use on parks, schools, landscape areas, golf courses, and as well as other commercial and industrial uses.

Is the water safe to drink?2024-07-08T10:51:35-07:00

Absolutely. The water delivered to JCSD customers meets all State and Federal regulations and is continually tested to ensure its safety. Please see the current Consumer Confidence Report.

Is there a lost and found?2024-07-03T14:48:35-07:00

Yes. Lost and Found is located at the Eastvale Community Center, 13820 Schleisman Road, Eastvale CA 92880

Is there a target for customers to reduce water use?2024-07-03T12:58:25-07:00

JCSD has called upon its customers to voluntarily reduce water use by 15%. In addition, we ask customers to significantly reduce their water usage by adhering to the 4 days per week watering schedule and following the other provisions within JCSD’s Drought Response Level 2.

Is there waste generated by the project?2024-05-08T05:17:44-07:00

There is very minimal waste generated by the project. All existing HPS streetlights are disassembled and the associated materials are recycled and disposed of appropriately.

Regarding my service line, where does my responsibility start and stop?2024-07-03T12:52:24-07:00

The customer’s responsibility starts on their side of meter. The district is responsible from the meter to the street connection. If you suspect a leak, please contact Customer Service at (951) 685-7434.

Should my family be drinking bottled water?2024-07-26T15:53:43-07:00

Tap water is mandated by law to meet strict standards and undergo frequent testing for various contaminants. Bottled water may have a different taste, but it isn’t inherently safer than tap water. In fact, it often originates from treated tap water that has been further processed to reduce harmless minerals like calcium.

What are Industrial Survey Forms?2024-07-03T14:27:57-07:00

Industrial Survey Forms are required for all non-residential facilities for new tenants, new accounts, changes in ownership, and/or tenant improvements for existing facilities within JCSD jurisdiction. This is any facility that changes ownership, makes changes to existing plumbing, adds or deletes a water/sewer service. Or makes any changes to production or equipment.

What are the dog park rules?2024-07-03T14:50:10-07:00

The dog park rules, for all three dog parks, are as follows:

  1. The dog park hours are from sunrise to 10 p.m. daily.
  2. Park users and dog owners assume all risk related to dog park use.
  3. Dogs must be under voice control and in sight of owner/handlers at all times.
  4. Owners must dispose of waste properly in the designated on-site containers.
  5. Any dog exhibiting aggressive behavior must be leashed and removed immediately.
  6. All dogs must be leashed until safely inside the dog park and returned to a leash prior to exiting.
  7. Dogs must be licensed and vaccinated with tags displayed on collar.
  8. Dogs “in season” shall not be permitted.
  9. Children accompanying dog owners must be strictly supervised and at least 12 years old to be allowed inside.
  10. Spectators should remain outside the fenced area.
What are the hours of the water features at Dairyland Park and Cedar Creek Park?2024-07-03T14:50:45-07:00

The water features are available for use from 10 a.m. to dusk. To turn the water features on at Dairyland Park, you press the button on top of the post in the center of the feature. To turn on the water features at Cedar Creek Park, you press the blue top of the cone at the center of the feature.
From November 1st through March 31st, the water features are unavailable for use in an effort to conserve resources during the off season.

What are the LED conversion project details?2024-05-08T05:17:07-07:00

Agency staff has worked closely with the Western Riverside Council of Governments and Siemens Mobility Inc. to implement the new LED streetlighting system. The construction work to install the new equipment throughout the Agency is starting in Summer 2019.

What are the park rules?2024-07-03T14:51:34-07:00

In order to ensure the maximum benefit of available resources, the DISTRICT requires that any organized group wishing to engage in planned activities in DISTRICT Facilities obtain prior approval through the application process. Willful interference with authorized activities on our reserved facilities will be deemed as trespassing and violators are subject to the penalties thereof. Please call (951) 727-3524 for more information on how to make a reservation.
Rules and Regulations are as follows;

  1. All park facilities are to be utilized for their intended purpose.
  2. Skateboarding is only allowed within the skate park.
  3. Unauthorized solicitation or commercial activities are prohibited without prior District approval.
  4. It is prohibited for any person to erect or attach a sign without prior District approval.
  5. All dogs must be kept on a leash.
  6. No smoking allowed on park grounds within 25 feet of playgrounds, ball fields, skate parks, basketball courts, or public buildings.

*Violators subject to $100 fine in accordance with AB 188.
The following are prohibited within the park: Alcoholic beverages, camping, cutting of plants, fireworks, gambling, glass containers, golfing, horses, open fires, motor vehicles outside of parking lot, and weapons.

What are the residency boundaries of JCSD Parks and Recreation?2024-07-03T14:51:56-07:00

For all purposes of Parks and Recreation services, the boundaries of Eastvale residency were determined by the County of Riverside. The geographic boundaries are Bellegrave, Hamner, Hellman, and the Santa Ana River. Eastvale residents outside this area pay their parks and recreation fees to the Jurupa Area Recreation and Parks District (JARPD). JARPD can be reached at (951) 361-2090.

What are the restrictions for Restaurants and Hotels?2024-07-03T12:58:51-07:00
  • Restaurants or public places where food is served are prohibited from serving drinking water to a customer unless requested
  • Hotels and motels must give guests the option of choosing not to have their linens laundered daily
What are the rules and regulations for recycled water use?2024-05-08T16:07:35-07:00

There are strict Federal, State, and local laws and regulations governing the production and use of recycled water. All of the laws are designed to ensure recycled water is safely used. The rules also define how recycled water can be used and what required signage is needed and where it must be displayed.

What are the skate park rules?2024-07-03T14:53:15-07:00

Caution: Inline skating and skateboarding are high-risk recreation activities with inherent risk or serious injuries. The skateboarding area is UNSUPERVISED and participants skate at their own risk. Parks are closed from 10 p.m. until dawn. (See park hours.) Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
Skate park rules are as follows:

  1. Participants utilizing the skate park facilities must wear helmets, kneepads, and elbow pads.
  2. Violators are subject to removal, citation and or permanent ban from the skate park facilities, Ordinance No. 252.
  3. No personally owned ramps, boxes, or other devices may be brought into the facility.
  4. Please be courteous of other park users.
  5. No food or beverages are allowed in the skating area.
  6. Bringing glass into the area is PROHIBITED. No tagging, graffiti, or stickers are allowed.
  7. Please keep skating area clean.
  8. Broken equipment or unsafe conditions should be reported to the Parks Department by calling (951) 727-3524.
  9. For emergencies, dial 911.

*In the event rules are not being followed, JCSD may elect to temporarily or permanently close a skate park.

What are the watering/irrigating restrictions?2024-07-03T12:59:19-07:00
  • Water only between 8:00 pm and 8:00 am for no more than 10 minutes per day per station
  • Upgrade to water-saving devices and landscaping
  • Repair all leaks
  • Use a shut-off nozzle when washing a vehicle
  • Do not water more than 4 days per week
  • Do not allow runoff
  • Do not water during and 48 hours after measurable rainfall
  • Do not hose down hard surfaces like driveways, sidewalks, and gutters
What do I do if I catch someone committing graffiti vandalism?2024-07-03T14:35:06-07:00

Call 911. Graffiti Vandalism is a crime.

What information is reviewed during the background screening process?2024-07-03T14:54:20-07:00

I. Social Security Verification: Verifies the name of every volunteer against the Social Security number provided. This helps eliminate the possibility of false names and/or information.
II. Address Trace: Verifies the current address and identifies any previous address of every individual screened. This information is utilized to determine the jurisdiction in which the background screening is conducted.
III. Criminal Records Check (State, County, and National): To capture all misdemeanor and felony convictions of the applicant.
IV. Sex Offender Registry: Search of the appropriate state sex offender registries based on the address history to supplement criminal records history.

What is a pre-job meeting?2024-07-03T14:28:20-07:00

A pre-job or an are-design meeting is when the developer requests a meeting during the due-diligence/entitlement process; prior to requesting water/sewer availability & submitting plan check.

Pre-construction meetings are conducted for all tracts, parcel map and plot plan projects after the Water/Sewer Mylar’s & Material Submittals have been signed & approved by the District. The Development Supervisor or Representative conducts the pre-construction meeting (using the District’s Pre-Construction Meeting Agenda). The Development Supervisor, the District’s Inspector, the Developer’s Contractor, and the Developer’s Project Superintendent must be present at the pre-construction meeting. The pre-construction meeting is conducted at the job-site using the District’s “Pre-construction Meeting Agenda”, which lists pertinent discussion items. At the meeting, a copy of the pre-construction meeting agenda is provided to those in attendance. After the pre-construction meeting is complete, the District, along with the District’s Inspector, sets a start-work date within two (2) working days; and the Development Supervisor will sign and issue a notice-to-proceed to the Developer.

What is a Standards Manual?2024-07-03T16:04:40-07:00

The Standards Manual is the Developer’s Handbook and Procedure Manual. This manual provides a detailed description of the procedures and policies to be followed during any Developer-funded project.

What is JCSD doing to conserve water?2024-07-03T13:00:18-07:00

JCSD will no longer be watering ornamental turf located in street medians. We have also reduced the number of days parks are watered. However, because parks provide recreational activities, we will continue to maintain functional turf for community’s enjoyment while adhering to drought regulations. JCSD is in the process of developing a Recycled Water Project that will improve our water supply reliability and conserve potable water.

What is my due date and why does it seem to change each month?2024-07-03T12:53:55-07:00

The statements are dated differently because the JCSD billing period is the first four Wednesdays of each month and each Wednesday may fall on different dates. All bills are due upon receipt and must be paid on or before the 26th day after the billing date to avoid late charges.

What is prohibited at Level 2 – Drought Alert Restrictions?2024-07-03T13:01:38-07:00

At Level 2, the following restrictions are in place:

  • Ornamental landscape and turf irrigation can only be watered up to 4 days per week for no more than 10 minutes per station per day. We recommend splitting up the watering times and running your sprinklers several times for shorter periods (for example, run your irrigation for 5 minutes, twice a day).
  • Irrigating landscape is limited to the hours between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m.
What is recycled water?2024-05-08T16:03:54-07:00

Recycled water is treated wastewater that is safe for irrigation. It is not used for drinking water but instead transported through purple-colored pipes to select locations for limited uses. The use of purple pipes is used throughout communities to avoid potential cross connection to drinking water pipes. Recycled water is strictly federally, state, and locally regulated and monitored to meet all public health and safety guidelines.

What is the average residential meter size for the District?2024-07-03T14:29:46-07:00

The average size residential meter is a ¾”. However, meter size is determined by the property owner or the Developer’s Engineer.

What is the treatment process to create recycled water?2024-05-08T16:11:22-07:00

The Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater Authority (WRCRWA) Plant meets effluent (wastewater) and recycled water quality standards through its primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment processes. The Plan also has solids handling processes to thicken, digest, dewater, and dispose of solids produced from the wastewater. The processes of wastewater treatment are summarized as follows:

  1. Primary Treatment: Wastewater flow enters the treatment facility through two force mains. Primary treatment consists of coarse screening, grit removal, flow metering, primary clarification, and flow equalization.
  2. Secondary Treatment: After passing through the primary treatment processes, secondary treatment occurs through conventional activated sludge in two bio-reactors. The activated sludge then passes through secondary clarification, where return activated sludge is pumped back to the bio-reactors and waste activated sludge is sent to the digestion process.
  3. Tertiary Treatment: Effluent from the secondary clarifiers enters the tertiary treatment processes. This treatment consists of a flash mix station, where a coagulant can be injected if high turbidity is detected upstream or downstream of the filters. Flow then passes through tertiary filters, flow metering, and chlorine disinfection.
  4. Recycled Water: As part of JCSD’s proposed recycled water system, treated wastewater from the chlorine disinfection will then be delivered to the proposed recycled water storage and pumping system. This system consists of lift pumps, a storage tank, and the proposed recycled water distribution pumps.
What kind of streetlights are in the District?2024-05-08T05:15:23-07:00

The majority of streetlights in the Agency are High Pressure Sodium (HPS) streetlights. Though they are the most common streetlight technology in most cities in Southern California and across the U.S., HPS streetlights are not the most efficient. The light distribution is limited and much of the light generated is either lost or not directed to the desired location in the roadway. In addition, HPS streetlights cast an orange light which makes identifying color very difficult.

What makes LED streetlights the right choice?2024-05-08T05:15:38-07:00

Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology is the greatest advancement in lighting in modern times. The first LEDs were indicator lights in simple machines and then the technology was integrated into lighting applications in traffic signals. In the last 10 years LED technology has advanced to interior lighting and streetlight applications. LED streetlights are energy efficient, have a much longer lifetime than other traditional lighting technologies, and produce better color and light quality than typical High Pressure Sodium (HPS) streetlights. All this equates to reduced energy consumption and reduced operating costs while delivering better light quality to residents.

What services does JCSD provide versus city services?2024-07-02T15:11:28-07:00

Cities and Counties serve a broad array of purposes that protect the public health, safety and welfare of their residents. Special Districts, such as JCSD, serve a specific purpose; for JCSD the purpose is water, sewer, graffiti abatement, lighting maintenance, landscape maintenance, and parks and recreation services.

What will recycled water be used for?2024-05-08T16:04:15-07:00

Similar to other communities, JCSD’s recycled water will be used to irrigate landscaping and grass areas at our local parks, schools, and greenbelts, as well as for landscaping areas at business and along roadway frontages and medium areas that are along the proposed pipeline alignments.

When do I get my deposit back for field, picnic area or room reservations and how is that determined?2024-07-03T14:54:41-07:00

As long as the shelter equipment is in the same condition when you leave as when you arrived , you will be refunded your security deposit within 2 weeks. The repair costs, due to misuse of the parks, may exceed the security deposit cost and will be placed at the expense of the person responsible for the reservation.

When do I need to send an Availability Letter?2024-07-03T14:30:54-07:00

Developers are required to obtain a Water/Sewer Availability letter for all projects that involve water and/or sewer services. To obtain a Water/Sewer Availability letter, please submit a letter to the District requesting availability within the project, describing the type of project, a map showing the property requiring water and/or sewer service and a $2,800.00 deposit for either Parcel Maps or Tract Maps. Once the request is received, the Development Consultants will provide feedback, if needed, and submit the request for approval to the Sewer and/or Water Committee and the Board of Directors. Please click here to view a sample availability letter.

When do the Board of Directors Board meetings take place?2024-07-02T15:12:06-07:00

The Board conducts public meetings on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Additionally, the Board has several committees that focus on various areas/functions such as Water Operations, Sewer Operations, Parks and Recreations, etc. Two Board members are assigned to serve on various committees to provide an in-depth discussion on items brought forth to the committee. If items require action, it is then brought to the full Board for further discussion and action.

When will I know the status of my application?2024-07-03T14:36:11-07:00

For positions with a closing date, applicants are notified of the status of their application via e-mail within 2 – 4 weeks of the closing date. For job openings that are continuous or “Open until filled”, applications are kept on file for six months.

When will recycled water be available?2024-07-03T14:21:13-07:00

JCSD tentatively expects to serve a portion of its customers with recycled water by 2023. For project updates and more information, please see our Recycled Water Project page.

When will recycled water begin to be distributed?2024-05-08T16:09:02-07:00

The JCSD Recycled Water Program is currently in the preliminary design phase with construction to install the purple pipeline scheduled to begin late 2023. Distribution of the recycled water is expected to begin in early 2024.

Where will the recycled water come from?2024-05-08T16:10:31-07:00

The recycled water is collected and treated at the Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater Authority (WRCWRA) Treatment Plant located at the southern end of the City of Eastvale. Most of JCSD’s wastewater flows to this plant, where it is already treated to meet recycled water quality regulations.

Where will this be built?2024-05-08T16:09:19-07:00

JCSD is reaching out to specific public agencies, schools, and businesses that meet the required criteria and are located near the planned distribution pipeline that could receive and use recycled water. JCSD’s staff or contractors will contact these eligible users directly to discuss the project.

Who attends the pre-job meetings?2024-07-03T14:31:46-07:00

JCSD’s Inspector, JCSD’s Supervisor, or their representative, tract or job Superintendent, and a County of Riverside Transportation Department representative. For complete procedures for Pre-Construction Meetings, Video Inspections, Pre-Occupancy Inspections, Final Inspections for Tracks, Individual, Plot Plan and District Projects, please review the Procedures for Pre-Construction Meetings.

Who can I call if there are any other questions or concerns?2024-05-08T05:18:08-07:00

For more information about the LED street light conversion project please contact JCSD Finance Department, Jason Davis, (951) 685-7434 Ext 219 or by email at Jdavis@jcsd.us

Who do I call about park maintenance issues after hours?2024-07-03T14:54:59-07:00

On-call staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please call (951) 685-7434. An after-hours operator will take your information and contact the on-duty Park Maintenance staff.

Who do I contact if I suspect I have a leak?2024-07-26T15:54:09-07:00

If you suspect a leak, please contact Customer Service at (951) 685-7434.

Who sets policies, rates, and procedures?2024-07-03T14:32:27-07:00

The Board of Directors sets policy for the District. Fees, rates, and other charges are developed and adopted by the Board after careful analysis of operating cost, financing needs, industry practices, and input from the community.

Why are the Parks watered in the middle of the afternoon during the summer?2024-07-03T14:21:52-07:00

You may be referring to the over-seeding process required to revive heavily used turf area that has been damaged or over used. Our goal is to maintain the parks for the enjoyment of the entire community and continue to follow the drought restrictions. Reseeding will only be conducted if it can be done while complying with drought regulations.

Why can’t I put in artificial turf?2024-07-03T14:22:11-07:00

Both cities allow artificial turf; however, artificial turf is not ideal for our area since it heats to dangerous temperatures in the sun and leaks chemicals into the soil. Most brands of artificial turf do not allow as much rainfall to permeate into our precious groundwater reserve as native or drought-tolerant landscaping would, so JCSD does not offer any rebate incentives for switching to artificial turf.

Why do some classes get canceled?2024-07-03T14:55:16-07:00

Classes are most often canceled due to low enrollment; therefore, we strongly encourage those who reside within the JCSD parks territory to enroll before the session begins.

Why is a LED conversion project right for JCSD?2024-05-08T05:16:02-07:00

The LED conversion project will reduce streetlight energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and operating costs. LED streetlights will save energy, require less maintenance, and operate for over 20 years before needing to be replaced. This is compared to the existing HPS lights which need service or replacement every 3-5 years. In addition, LED streetlights will provide residents with better light quality on streets and roadways.

Why is there a difference in the color of light?2024-05-08T05:16:38-07:00

HPS streetlights produce an orange-yellow color due to the nature of the elements in the lamp. This color output makes it very difficult to see the natural colors of objects that are being lit by the streetlight – such as cars or pedestrians. LED streetlights emit a much more natural light, similar to moonlight, and the objects being lit look closer to their normal colors. This allows for much better visual perception and increases safety.

Why was my water shut off?2024-07-03T12:54:38-07:00

There are several reasons why your water may be shut off.

  • There has been an emergency in your area and the water had to be shut off.
  • Someone has turned off the valve to your home.
  • Your billing statement has become past due and has been scheduled for the processing of nonpayment and the disconnection of the water service.

Please contact JCSD’s Customer Service Department if you have further questions at (951) 685-7434

Will I be notified if I am not chosen for an interview?2024-07-03T14:36:31-07:00

Yes, applicants who are not chosen for an interview receive an e-mail notification.

Will JCSD be issuing fines?2024-07-03T14:23:53-07:00

JCSD will make every reasonable effort to contact customers regarding water-use violations. Before penalties are ever issued, JCSD will utilize several methods, including, but not limited to, personal contact, door hanger, letter, email, or phone to notify customers of correctable issues. Fines are listed in Ordinance Number 389 under Article 10.

Will my application be accepted if I drop it off, in lieu of a completed online application?2024-07-03T14:36:54-07:00

No. Applications will not be accepted if they are dropped off in lieu of a completed online application. If special accommodations are necessary, please contact the Human Resources Department.

Will the operating hours for the splash pads at the parks be reduced?2024-08-20T11:08:32-07:00

At this time, the hours and season for splash pads will remain the same. The splash pads use a recirculating system, and the water only runs when activated. It is a water-efficient system and is for the benefit of the entire community. Please contact our Parks and Recreation department at (951) 727-3524 or Parks@JCSD.us for the most up-to-date information on the Eastvale splash pad hours of operation.

Will there be a hold on new developments during the drought?2024-07-03T14:26:29-07:00

At this time, developments are still being approved by each city we serve; however, for questions regarding the planning, design, review, and construction inspection of water and sewer facilities, or the facilitation of streetlights for developer-funded projects, please contact our Development Engineering Services department.

girl on playground
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