In an effort to maintain and extend the life of infrastructure, three of the JCSD potable water storage tanks will be relined and repaired. The Indian Hills 2A Water Storage Reservoir and the Indian Hills 2B Water Storage Reservoir are completed, and the relining of the Mira Loma B Water Storage Reservoir is underway.
The Mira Loma B Reservoir tank is a welded steel, above ground water storage tank built in 1985. The tank is approximately 85 feet in diameter by 40 feet high, providing 1,700,000 gallons of water storage. By relining the inside, the service life will be extended 25 years.
Photo of Mira Loma Tank B
The first step of the process is sand blasting to remove the previous coating. After the coating is removed, the walls and ceiling will be primed and painted with a thick coat of food grade NSF 61 epoxy paint. This type of paint is approved for this application and will not leach into the water.
Before bringing the reservoir back into service, the entire tank will be disinfected, and the water will be tested to ensure it meets all State of California water regulations.
Sand used under pressure to scrape the previous coating off