Kid engaging with an object on the table

Curriculum and Activity Materials

To help educators and students learn about water, JCSD, in cooperation with local agencies, has created fun and educational programs that meet the State of California educational curriculum standards. Curriculum and activity materials are distributed at no cost to educators. Programs offered are subject to change. For more information, please call (951) 727-8002.

Available selections by grade include:

Water Education Assemblies for 4th and 5th Graders

JCSD continues to offer water education classes for 4th and 5th grade classes which were designed in collaboration with the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana. Each year, 4th and 5th grade teachers within the JCSD service area receive an invitation from JCSD to schedule in-class programs that cover basic facts about the water cycle, water treatment, water storage, and water recycling.

Santa Ana River Field Trips for 7-12 Graders

Explore and learn about the importance of the Santa Ana River to our water supply and environment. Field trips are free and tailored to grade and subject.

Gold Panning for 4-6 Graders

Learn about the gold rush and its implications to California’s history and water.

Water is Life Poster Contest

Students are invited to create an art poster depicting various water uses, ways to use water more efficiently, or water conservation topics. The winning student and their teacher will receive an award and be recognized at a JCSD Board meeting.


Coral Greef – Save our ocean from plastic!
This is an arcade style game to encourage kids to think about how plastic misuse can harm aquatic animals.

WaterSense for Kids – Think you know everything there is to know about water? Review this webpage and then test your knowledge in this arcade-style water conservation trivia game, “Test Your WaterSense.”