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About the Program

JCSD’s water conservation rebate program is offered to residents within the service area to assist with replacing older fixtures with water-efficient models. By updating their system, customers can save money on water bills and reduce the hassle of trying to match their irrigation to the weather patterns. Our main purpose is to further encourage the water conservation lifestyle and raise water efficiency awareness.

As a participating agency, JCSD customers may receive money back from their qualified water-saving product purchases. Please note that funding for these rebates is limited, and submission of a rebate application does not guarantee you will receive a rebate. Rebates will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis until funding is exhausted.

BEFORE YOU START on your water conservation investment, make sure that the products you intend to buy meet the eligibility criteria.

Most of our rebates are through The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s water conservation program (BeWaterWise.com) which can be found on their website. Go there first to check product eligibility.

laundry, sprinkler, water tanks and sensors

Rebates are currently available on the items listed below. Dollar amounts include both the SoCalWater$mart’s cash-back amount and our intended supplemental cash-back contributions.

Please remember that funding for these rebates is limited and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis until funding is exhausted.

JCSD-Exclusive Rebates


Drip-Irrigation System

Residents of JCSD can receive a 50% rebate (up to $200) after the purchase and installation of a drip system.


Flume (Water Monitoring Device)

Customers that use Flume cut back water usage by 10-12% on average. Rebates are available!

laundry machine

High-Efficiency Washers

High efficiency washers use 55% less water than standard washers. Rebates start at $85 per eligible model.


Premium High-Efficiency Toilets (PHETs)

These use almost 20% less water than standard models. Rebates start at $40 for qualified toilets.

finger clicking keypad

Weather-Based Irrigation Controllers (WBICs)

This may save over 13,500 gallons of water per year! Rebates start at $35 a station.

water splashing in bucket

Rain Barrels & Cisterns

Rebates start at $35 per barrel (up to 2 barrels) or $250-$350 for a cistern.

wires and pliers

Soil Moisture Sensor System

Detects water needs by gauging the moisture present in the soil. Rebates start at $35 a station.

Turf Replacement

Turf Replacement

Reduce water usage by up to 60% by removing turf and converting to a drought-tolerant landscape.

To apply for one of these rebates and to view qualifying products and details, please visit: www.socalwatersmart.com